Philippines Mastodon mastodon.ph
Mastodon para sa mga Pilipino (Mastodon for The Philippines).
mstdn.aoirint.com mstdn.aoirint.com
FozzTexx Mastodon fozztexx.com
Mastodon takeko.monster
Mastodon - Gougère Network mastodon.gougere.fr
Darnielle's Home in the Fediverse social.darnielle.me
A personal server for @[email protected].
GORF Tube gorf.tube
GorfTube, a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform..
SWR's Friendica Site friendica.swrlab.org
Ctrl's Gay Corner shark.ctrl.gay
My silly instance on the Internet, if we're friend, feel free to send me a message for an invite code :3
gei.st gei.st
BaWü.social – Mastodon für Baden-Württemberg xn--baw-joa.social
Dies ist die Mastodon-Instanz des Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI Bawü).
The Hugo Award www.thehugoawards.org
The Official Site of The Hugo Award
Snackiverse snack.social
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server