Burma Social.
Our platform is free from censorship and we do not engage in advertising or promotion. Our aim is to provide a free and open environment.
Piano Mastodonpiano.masto.host
FOSSDLE Social - Mastodonsocial.fossdle.org
Hosted by the OER Foundation as part of the FOSSDLE initiative. Home for open educators wanting to collaborate on a better, open, benevolent, equitable digital future for higher education.
Pleroma by autumnskypl.autumnsky.jp
Personal use fediverse server for Akiya
Angry Today?angrytoday.com
Angry People are Most Welcome! Vent your frustration and go nuts on things that irritates you.
watura のお一人様インスタス
Een beginnende community die graag het draagvlak willen vergroten met iedereen die zich verbonden voelt. Jong & oud. Daarnaast staan we altijd open voor nieuwe ideeën.