Honeybank Studios honeybank.net
This is the official server for the Honeybank Studios suite of products.
Moonserver of YoRHa moonserver.yorha.nexus
This is the Council of Humanity, speaking from the moon to all YoRHa-Androids. If you require any assistance, contact us.
pikopublishing pikopublish.ing
Pikopublishing on the fediverse – coming soon to some kind of reality
Peertube - Чаепитие у IMC pt.ilyamikcoder.com
Инстанс Peertube от ilya.mikheev.coder // ilya.mikheev.coder's PeerTube instance.
FSFE-Tube media.fsfe.org
Watch the Free Software Foundation Europe's (FSFE) videos on their independent, self-hosted PeerTube instance.
Pleroma Microblog pleroma.schuerz.at
Microblog run by Pleroma. Enjoy the Fediverse
Mastodon mastodon.derstandard.at
Offizieller Server der STANDARD Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
AranFielder.art masto.aranfielder.art
This is a single-user server for AranFielder. Why? Because I could and it seemed like fun.
calobar.club calobar.club
Social media owned by you
Global and Local blog glocalplus.com
9KB 9kb.me
一个自由、开放、多元、包容的中文 Mastodon 社区。Mastodon 是一个建立在开放式网络协议和自由、开源软件之上的社交网络,有着类似于电子邮件的分布式设计。