metcha.me metcha.me
It's a server. Currently solely serving Dans.
Mesothermal mastodon.mesothermal.science
Small talk and science.
Biendeo's Soapbox m.biendeo.com
Biendeo's soapbox of somewhat importance
Prism Stone prismst.one
Welcome to Prism World! This is a private instance for my friends and I. If you're a mutual, hit me up and I'm down to invite you! <3
NextHam nextham.duckdns.org
A server so broken, only I can use it.
mastodon.ameth.org mastodon.ameth.org
The Official Mastodon Server of the Ameth Cooperative
hora.win akm.hora.win
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
peki piggy.lol
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
VOIDWOOD.ONLINE voidwood.online
VOIDWOOD.ONLINE is a small Hometown instance for the folks of Voidwood: a tiny collective of creatures who like to make things. Our instance here is only open to residents of Voidwood at this time.
Biscuit Town biscuit.town
Biscuit.town est une instance par et pour les personnes neuroqueer, féministes et gauchistes.
WiiR wiir.libtar.de
Come shitpost or something idk
Liminal Island 🌴 liminalisland.xyz
mastod.no mastod.no
A private server, accounts via invitation and approval only.
jade.moe jade.moe