QOwnNotes Mastodon social.qownnotes.org
Westsideblogger mastodon.westsideblogger.eu
Mastodon Instanz für den Westsideblogger.
월드콘 worldc.one
CherryPick 개인 인스턴스, 월드콘입니다.
@[email protected]님이 제공해주시는 서버에서 운영됩니다.

운영 중인 서비스들의 상태 보기
월드콘의 Onion 주소
School Ahead schoolahead.social
The iron is white hot for recapturing paradigms, redefining purpose, and defining leadership presence in American public schools. Let's talk about equity, personalization, and service learning.
SaasyCloud.com Social saasycloud.social
Welcome to SaasyCloud's public Mastodon server. We love software/security/network engineering, with a dose of musical interest and tend to geek out. But anyone is welcome to join!
jenkins.cc jenkins.cc
Mastodon sailstrails.cafe
A private instance for the creators and close friends they invite. We will follow a code of conduct of kindness and honesty. Currently modeling after scholar.social.
Alien Insurrection Technology alien.insurrection.tech
Following the Fore model and augmentations by Pontificator, we aim to gain insights and strategies for combating the forces of darkness and their kin. We are a hardcore UFO, ET and PSI instance.
Geekodon geekodon.org
A small server for friends of Constant Geekery.
Mastodon mastodon.darkou.fr
Instance Mastodon maintenue par DarKou (déployée sur un coup de tête ! 😅 ).
TCHAFIA tchafia.be
Une instance généraliste Mastodon en Belgique administrée par un collectif associatif venant
Ouvert à tous et toutes
Eleph eleph.social
Eleph intends to be welcoming and affirming to LGBTQIA+ individuals, leftists, antifascists, sex workers, vegans, and anyone who respects these communities and just needs a home in the Fediverse.
NyxaLand nyxa.jojess.net
jojess' fedi server
Raphus Social raphus.social
Raphus Social 🦤 is a better bird site, a safe and inclusive place for bringing together open minded people interested in technology, open source, tabletop games, and other general geekery.