でぃぐら丼。 mastodon.diglateam3.com
Hot climate topics hot-climate-topics.net
Some personal views on climate issues
PoastTV poast.tv
PoastTV, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform built on PeerTube using P2P directly in your web browser. Poast TV is a way to join federated video sharing and escape the Big Tech™ stranglehold on public discourse.
Mastodon @ workingweb.nl mastodon.workingweb.nl
my private mastodon instance
Mastodon.hk mastodon.hk
Brioco Social Networking brioco.social
A small FireFish instance for some friends. Wholesome and clean. We do *not* associate with nor tolerate any persons who tolerate or promote discrimination. This includes but it not limited to: racism, transphobia, homophobia, bigotry, misogyny, ableism, fascism, white supremacy, white nationalism, qanon, antisemitism, Islamophobia, Christo-Fascism, and other alt-right ideologies. Those are strictly and swiftly dealt with and blocked. This is a small general purpose instance and not dedicated to any particular interests. This is a wholesome server and absolutely no hate speech is tolerated. This is *not* a “free speech” instance. 日本語も可です。ここは小さなサーバーで、安全な場所です。ヘイトスピーチや差別的なことや児童搾取的の関連のこと(絵とか、萌え絵など)は固く禁じられています。
snarthelg.no snarthelg.no
Det er snart helg.
TheWiring thewiring.com
TheWiring was always supposed to be a free and decentralised social network. Mastodon is doing just that and better!
ACG.MN acg.mn
ACG.MN 成立于 2017 年,是第一批中文 Mastodon 网站。
La Vraie Vie Sociale lavraievie.social
Mobilizon Italia mobilizon.it
Mobilizon permette di creare e organizzare eventi coinvolgendo e mobilitando persone. Questa è un'istanza generalista italofona creata dal gruppo devol che aggrega gli eventi di tutte le piccole istanze locali italiane, è uno strumento libero e federato per liberare gli eventi e i gruppi dalle grinfie di Facebook.
spacelase.rs 🪐 ⚡ spacelase.rs
Spacelasers is a place to talk about music, books, tech, work, whatever. No jerks.
Pleroma social.linuxine.net
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
social.larus.se social.larus.se
Single-user instance and private home for @lmas.
Plagu.ee plagu.ee
Ex nihilo nihil fit.