A very strange webpage strangeweb.page
Hello World!
Secretbatcave don.secretbatcave.co.uk
The personal server of @[email protected]
Orilla fightthis.net
Come watch the world burn
Mastodon socialcoderz.com
Chief Internet Astronaut @Chapman helps the #SocialCoderz get to the moon.
Pixelfed EU pixelfed.eu
Pixelfed is an image sharing platform, an ethical alternative to centralized platforms. The admin of this instance is Zir0h
椰! coconatsu.co
椰站(coconatsu.co)为个人实例,若有朋友想要加入请联系本站管理员账户。plus.真的很想吃椰子鸡^ ^
Mastodon mastodon.tiennot.net
PR湘南ひらつか pr.shc.kanagawa.jp
湘南地域にまつわるテーマインスタンスです! 平塚市/藤沢市/茅ヶ崎市/秦野市/伊勢原市/寒川町/大磯町/二宮町の方々大歓迎!
Pouet[.]Space 🌌 pouet.space
Bienvenue sur Pouet.space, une petite instance Mastodon française.
eightpoint eightpoint.app
A general mastodon instance for former twitter users. However it seems very popular with transfemmes so keep that in mind.
Linke's Mastodon alinke.com
This is a private server for Andrew Linke. All original posts by @Andrew are copyright Andrew Linke on the date of the post. See the ABOUT page for additional copyright and licensing info.
Mastodon@Muage mastodon.muage.org
Instance Mastodon privée pour les membres de Muage #France #Québec #Montréal
FiTT.AU fitt.au
It's for the Fitts. It's for the Nerds. It's for the People.
FiveYellowMice's Pleroma social.fym.moe
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
the HB 🌅 thehb.me
A Mastodon server for the Holden Beach, NC community.