Miserables miserables.net
This is a closed private instance, shared by very few folks.
Prf.me prf.me
Mastodon instance for perfume, fragrance and scent lovers.
Mastodon xx0r.eu
ApertaTube apertatube.net
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
わくわく保育園 redfuku.com
HorrorHub Social social.horrorhub.club
A Mastodon server for Horror fans.
Community Video communitymedia.video
Welcome to Community Media Peertube. We're a videosharing platform inspired by the concept of [Community Media](https://communitymedia.network) offering paid but affordable peertube video hosting to the larger community.
social.jacobian.org social.jacobian.org
jkm's personal mastodon
K-Squared Ramblings hyperborea.org
Sci-fi, comics, humor, photos...it's all fair game.
Mastodon 60228.dev
personal server for leo60228 (@[email protected])
planet cb planet.chrisbeckstrom.com
my home in the fediverse
Letras soltas alcirlima.vivaldi.net
靑白 whitelily.blue
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본 인스턴스에서 사용되는 아이콘은 Freepik에서 제작되었습니다.
Icons in this instance are from Freepik.
Elizabeth Tai elizabethtai.com
Essayist, sci-fi writer and digital gardener.