<Codeur && quart /> mastodon.hosnet.fr
Libre accès à l'information et le partage, décentralisé et Open-Source, tout le contraire des toxicités des concurrents méta-méga pisteurs ^^
Суніскійная Сацыяльная sunisky.club
🙌🏻絵文字が一番多い、多言語対応サーバーです🙌🏻 🙌🏻A comfy, Emoji-abounding & multilingual supporting server where you find yourself in feeling of security🙌🏻 Repository:https://github.com/kat-atat/misskey/tree/expt/sunisky.club
hax0rbana.social hax0rbana.social
Mostly hackers, mostly in Urbana, IL, talking to each other & our friends on like-minded servers without giving our personal data to the marketing machine.
Mastodon Québec mastodon.quebec
Un lieu d'échange pour Québécois et Québécoises souhaitant discuter de manière respectueuse et bienveillante.
Mastodon whitehouse.org
The official Mastodon instance for Whitehouse.org.
MustUdon mtdn.anyqn.com
I like Twitter, but, Mastodon it is so excited! Feel free to register it is server just for fun! Usefull links https://instances.social https://www.reddit.com/r/Mastodon/comments/yugh2o/some_useful_mastodon_lists/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Magnificent Beards Fan Club magnificentbeardsfan.club
Gorgon City gorgon.city
Software development is a social activity sw-development-is.social
A social place intended as a chill hangout place for software testers, developers, or just about anyone involved in delivering software and who is interested in both the technical as well as the social side of things.

sw-development-is.social is supported by the Association for Software Testing.

For more information about this instance,
Grosshans grosshans.online
A personal instance for John Grosshans and his family... and maybe some friends.
Port87 Social port87.social
This is Port87 Social, a place for people to share with each other. We are a general-purpose Mastodon server run by SciActive Inc.
coma.social coma.social
This is a single-user instance whose inhabitant describes himself as a music lover, vinyl enthusiast, guitar player, street photographer, whisky maniac and caffeine junkie, based in Hamburg, Germany.
անքուն.հայ xn--y9a6bah4ck.xn--y9a3aq
անքուն.հայ-ը Հայաստանում տեղակայուած, ապակենտրոն սոց. ցանց է։ Օգտատէրերը մասնաւորապէս անքուն մարդիկ են, որոնք ցանկանում են շփուել իրար հետ, կիսուել մտքերով եւ զգացմունքներով։
Mastodon stay.woke.institute
Wake from the deep slumber of history.
GerVTuber gervtuber.de
Ein Mastodon Server für GerVTuber (deutschsprachige VTuber)