XtalDave's Mastodon xtaldave.net
Currently a Mastodon server for Xtaldave, a London-based Structural Biologist.
小球飞象 toot.mantyke.icu
Hannover.Town hannover.town
masto.land social.masto.land
Development server for getting Radio3 and other apps to work with Mastodon.
toot.ale.gd toot.ale.gd
This is a small private Mastodon server run by Yvan Seth for friends, family, perhaps beer industry folks, and other randoms may well be welcome. There is no specific theme, but it may be a bit beery.
Stereodon.social stereodon.social
Stereodon.social è un social network autogestito e open source dedicato alla musica.
Stanchi di scambiarci informazioni tramite sistemi eticamente in contrasto con i nostri principi, abbiamo deciso di dar vita a questa istanza.
Siamo convinti che slegare la diffusione di musica da logiche competitive, possa favorire il fare comunità, quindi un maggiore e più sincero scambio di informazioni.


Stereodon.social is a self-managed social network devoted to underground music.
Tired of exchanging information through systems that are ethically in contrast to our principles, we decided to give life to this instance.
We are convinced that unlink the diffusion of music from competitive logics can favor making communities, therefore a greater and more sincere exchange of information.

languages accepted: Italian, English (for moderation reasons)

contact: admin [AT] stereodon.social

Mastodon social.pueseso.club
metcha.me metcha.me
It's a server. Currently solely serving Dans.
Mesothermal mastodon.mesothermal.science
Small talk and science.
Biendeo's Soapbox m.biendeo.com
Biendeo's soapbox of somewhat importance
Prism Stone prismst.one
Welcome to Prism World! This is a private instance for my friends and I. If you're a mutual, hit me up and I'm down to invite you! <3
NextHam nextham.duckdns.org
A server so broken, only I can use it.
social.jesuislibre.net social.jesuislibre.net
SoSaCa social.sailor.cat
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server