dLine dline.xyz
An instance themed around HIVE, cryptocurrencies and promoting decentralized, open source and free speech environments.
Naukio's MeowMeow Palace social.nauk.io
A small group of friends. Accounts available if I know you and you ask me privately.
totoot totoot.social
Persönlicher Server
Impeccable impeccable.social
Social media owned by you
Dreamgate4u dreamgate4u.de
Ursprünglich gedacht als IT-Community, von IT'lern, für IT'ler. Jetzt eine Community für alle!
Cutie Bones Consortium akk.skelly.boo
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
あいんずのふぉとすきー p1.ains-no-misskey.com
Blumpus.com blumpus.com
Mastodon - IndieHosters mastodon.indie.host
IT-blogger.dk www.it-blogger.dk
Af Andreas Andersen
Area51 Media area51.media
Area51.Media is Project Area51's PeerTube instance, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
techlover techlover.eu
Technology lovers, here we are — (development, digital artwork, science…)
t00t.it t00t.it
Just another self-managed Mastodon instance, feel free to send in a join request.