Pixelfed.cafe - die Plattform zum Teilen Deiner Fotos mit Serverstandort in Deutschland. Offen für alle Menschen.
🏝️ ここは孤島。いちおう自由登録です。不安定かもしれません。
The finest, boutique law server in the known fediverse.
socialtodon.de, ein Mastodon Server von C-onner, dem Autor des Cybersecurityblogs https://c-onner.de/blog.
Pixelfed is an image sharing platform, an ethical alternative to centralized platforms.
Toots.ro Mastodon Servertoots.ro
Self-hosted personal instance
Interordi Socialsocial.interordi.com
Fediverse Hub for the Internet network. Feel free to follow relevant accounts, or join yourself if you're looking for a cozy corner of the Internet!
Server rules and core information: https://get2.io/fd/info
Masto FCmasto.futbol
Masto Club de Fútbol, die Mastodon-Instanz von ballreiter. Die Fußballblog-Avantgarde im Fediverse! (EN: The Mastodon instance of ballreiter.)
Ad Infinitum Socialadinfinitum.social
We're a small (but mighty) Mastodon instance primarily created for IRL friends and acquaintances. However, you don't need to know a moderator to join if we seem like your people.
Mastodon.ngo gives NGOs, nonprofits, and their communities a safe, trusted home in the fediverse.